Illegal Penno player

Views: 797 Posts: 5
wrote on 05-May-16 17:07

Hearing Pennant Hills played a suspended player against All Saints & are going to lose their points. Any truth in this ??

wrote on 05-May-16 20:04

yes they played a suspended player but cards werent checked before game, so result stands

wrote on 06-May-16 19:08

That aint right. They should be stripped of the points. Cant believe a team that has won the comp previously & a couple of Grand Finals would do this. SHAME SHAME SHAME PENNO

Trophy hunter 5
wrote on 08-May-16 08:00

How can s bunch of ex prems not win 35s It's funny

wrote on 08-May-16 19:07

U can chk cards but how do you memorize all the faces?
