i went to watch a match on Sunday night between two woman's premier league teams at penno park, wombats vs a team that had the rainbow flag as part of their jerseys.
it was an entertaining match between two quality teams. Woman's dominated for most of it, but the 🌈 needed up wining 3-1.
they had a lady who was 6 foot 3 and ran like the wind blows. She scored 3 goals, at one point she blocked a free kick with her head, regathered the ball and ran 90 meters uncontested. She missed that chance, due to the fact she tried to chip the keeper.
I later found out she was one of 3 players who happened to be trans. She did not hold back, she was rapid, strong and there was nothing the other team could do to stop the rampage that went on.
aware its 2024 and we are accepting of alll, heck, this year, our male queens birthday lands during pride month. However, the undisputed difference between male and female was completely evident on that cold night at penno park.
surely, as a society, commonsense tells us that this should have never been allowed .
wrote on 06-Jun-24 21:05hello
I just wanted to share a short story.
i went to watch a match on Sunday night between two woman's premier league teams at penno park, wombats vs a team that had the rainbow flag as part of their jerseys.
it was an entertaining match between two quality teams. Woman's dominated for most of it, but the 🌈 needed up wining 3-1.
they had a lady who was 6 foot 3 and ran like the wind blows. She scored 3 goals, at one point she blocked a free kick with her head, regathered the ball and ran 90 meters uncontested. She missed that chance, due to the fact she tried to chip the keeper.
I later found out she was one of 3 players who happened to be trans. She did not hold back, she was rapid, strong and there was nothing the other team could do to stop the rampage that went on.
aware its 2024 and we are accepting of alll, heck, this year, our male queens birthday lands during pride month. However, the undisputed difference between male and female was completely evident on that cold night at penno park.
surely, as a society, commonsense tells us that this should have never been allowed .