Views: 1520 Posts: 11
wrote on 17-Mar-06 22:06

this website is atrocious .. cannot be viewed by diff versions of IE and firefox. completely useless.

wrote on 18-Mar-06 00:00

There is actually another version of this site. I'm not sure where it has gone. It was a lot better and had a lot less spelling mistakes. I hope this version doesn't live for long, it is pretty poor.

wrote on 18-Mar-06 05:08

someone told me this website is hacked together by gus during nightly hours.

wrote on 18-Mar-06 08:00

Yes it does have a similar resemblance to his coaching site. Looks pretty amatuerish.

Lions fan
wrote on 18-Mar-06 14:01

Hey what happened to the site developed by Ryan Manuel. It showed some promise, even if more work needed. There must have been at least 4 different versions of the team website over the past few weeks but the latest one just visited is a real backyard job, smacks of the same features as the coach's home site, which is all over the place. If Joma is now a sponsor think they could come up with a few extra bucks to fix the image. Hey funny thing, isnt Joma the name on all the new strip ordered by the club last year..... I wonder just how far these connections go and just what they may be worth.

wrote on 18-Mar-06 15:00

>>>>>> Hey what happened to the site developed by Ryan Manuel. It showed some promise, even if more work needed. There must have been at least 4 different versions of the team website over the past few weeks but the latest one just visited is a real backyard job, smacks of the same features as the coach's home site, which is all over the place. If Joma is now a sponsor think they could come up with a few extra bucks to fix the image. Hey funny thing, isnt Joma the name on all the new strip ordered by the club last year..... I wonder just how far these connections go and just what they may be worth. <<<<< hey closeau, you may be on to something. didn't thought of that..heheh

wrote on 18-Mar-06 15:07

Good job on the stats. Not bad, but needs a few visual upgrades.

An Alias
wrote on 18-Mar-06 18:05

The "new" site is being run by Gus so that he can make regular changes himself as this wasnt possible with the other site. The quality of the photos on the website is not Joma's fault it is how they are being inserted and resized on the page. Using FrontPage to upload the new site has caused some problems with the Forum (for those who visit it) and unfortunately, being a FireFox user myself have noticed the site doesnt seem to work to well with it.

Another Alias
wrote on 18-Mar-06 19:01

This is the first time i have come across a website which is totally made up of images - even the text are images. so kool. no one can cut n paste. remove copyright infringements. LOL. Love it.

wrote on 30-Jun-22 00:18

Hi Everyone,


If you have any video footage of PL/SL Games that you want me to share across our platform, please send me details here: [email protected]


The aim is to build an Archive of as many PL /SL Games as possible.


If it's easier, send me an email and I can share a phone number where you can SMS/Whatsapp Videos too.





Keep up with the times
wrote on 30-Jun-22 05:46

pinky wrote:
>this website is atrocious .. cannot be viewed by diff versions of IE and firefox. completely useless.

You have bigger problems if you're still using internet explorer

There's a reason it's not supported anymore
