Old mate wrote: ------------------------------------------ >
>Who's making finals tomorrow, Penno or Dragons?
dragons are in a for a good one, penno are known chokers and will show their true colours tomorrow. Putney are an easy win for any team and west penno will feed their rivals at campbell
Old mate
wrote on 09-Aug-24 22:00Who's making finals tomorrow, Penno or Dragons?
wrote on 09-Aug-24 23:25Old mate wrote:
>Who's making finals tomorrow, Penno or Dragons?
dragons are in a for a good one, penno are known chokers and will show their true colours tomorrow. Putney are an easy win for any team and west penno will feed their rivals at campbell
wrote on 10-Aug-24 11:02Penno to shut those wph grubs up today at Campbell.
Dragons copped 7 to Putney first round, could be trouble for them today at that farm paddock Bremner.
penno to go through 💪
wrote on 10-Aug-24 17:32Who got Relegated?
wrote on 10-Aug-24 19:07North Ryde but it should have been EEW - such a miserable club those lot
Very unfortunate
wrote on 10-Aug-24 20:30Spewing! Wanted those pats scum gone! Bunch of babies!
what was the nerds result against Normo!
Normo should of thrown the game!
wrote on 11-Aug-24 07:04Trust me we tried to throw the game but they just kept letting us score.