Fan on the hill

Views: 603 Posts: 22
wrote on 29-Mar-06 14:02

We sorted this out a long time ago.... Plus why are you asking where he is? There are no games to write about yet.

Laura Bingle
wrote on 29-Mar-06 14:03

So, where the Bloody Hell are you? or Who the Bloody Hell are you?

Laura Bingle
wrote on 29-Mar-06 14:09

He missed the Continental cup game. Any thoughts on the identity?

Damn Fool
wrote on 29-Mar-06 15:01

Maybe he could be called "Fan having a Chunder" instead

wrote on 29-Mar-06 15:02


Laura Bingle
wrote on 29-Mar-06 15:03

"Chunder at the Thunder"?

wrote on 29-Mar-06 15:09

He missed it because he wasnt there. I have thoughts, but it isnt very hard to figure out... Lets see if there are any WPH games written about this year from the Fan on the Hill.

wrote on 29-Mar-06 16:07

I have a feeling its Rocco Giocco??

wrote on 29-Mar-06 16:09

I feel sick

Damn Fool
wrote on 29-Mar-06 17:02

Don't encourage the fool. We only have enough room for 1 fool.

wrote on 30-Mar-06 09:08

Who the hell is Laura Bingle? Try Lara..

wrote on 30-Mar-06 10:09

Really... That's sweet...

rick 2
wrote on 30-Mar-06 13:07

That is swwweeettt!! Signed, The sweet bandits

sam sweet
wrote on 30-Mar-06 14:00

Has anyone seen Lloyd Christmas?

sam sweet
wrote on 30-Mar-06 14:01

his hands are freezing...

wrote on 31-Mar-06 09:00

IS this going somewhere ??

Lloyd Christmas
wrote on 31-Mar-06 09:00

Hey Harry oh Buddy oh Pal

Lloyd Christmas
wrote on 31-Mar-06 10:01

Yeah, To someplace Warm, where the beer flows like wine and the women instinctively flock like the salmon of cappestrano.

Sam sweet
wrote on 31-Mar-06 10:08

No no no Lloyd! I say we stay here and we hunt for jobs! There's nothing.. not a zip! Yeah, unless you wanna work 40 hours a week!

wrote on 31-Mar-06 11:07

Is that a line from 'Death of Salesman' by Arthur Miller?

Beastie Boy
wrote on 31-Mar-06 12:07

No, its a line in Hornsby Centrelink by Arfur Dunga.

Chris Wood
wrote on 01-Apr-23 18:47

Results from today? Did Epping Blue live up to the hype? 
